Friday, April 27, 2018

CHINA: Global Economic Realignment

China:   1 Billion  300 Million People.

U.S.     ********* 300 Million People.

If China Creates 300 Million Creates Innovative High Tech Entrepreneurs, they have 1 Billion people to do the work.
If We Create 300 Million Creates Innovative High Tech Entrepreneurs, we have no one to do the work.
It took 400 years to build The Great Wall of China. China does not care who the next US President is. or the next five. At 2 terms each, we're talking about 40 years. The next 50 US Presidents? 400 years.
Don't worry about China being a Communist Country with a controlled economy.
Worry when China becomes a Free Market Democracy.
The arithmetic would suggest:
4 Thomas Edisons
4 Henry Fords,
4 Steves (Jobs and Wozniak) for a total of 8
When we become "Energy Independent" Saudi Arabia sells their oil to China who goes on a 
":Global Economic Realignment developing the Emerging Economies and building alliances and making friends."
If you find anything here to be helpful, please don't hesitate to send me a really tricked out MacBook and to tuck a few dollars into the envelope along with the thank you note. Slim.
From China: Global Economic Realignment.
Copyright (c) 2018 Robert Asken. All rights reserved.
Box 33, Pen Argyl, PA 18072