Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Publishing: The Silent Film Industry of Publishing

Commentary on Global Political and Economic Events by Slim Fairview Please also see also http://sidestreetjournal.blogspot.com  Please do click the follow button for Slimviews--and please email a link to your friends.  Thank you.


Would silent films have had any success after talkies came out if the silent film makers began making silent movies in colour?

Will the publishing industry survive technology if the publishing industry comes up with clever new ways of doing the same old stuff?

I know, I know, I've heard it before.  The Publishers are doing a bang up job. Business is good.

The Metaphor:

"Don't tell me how to run my business you rapscallion.  My Great Grandpa started the Corn Cob Shipping and Delivery Company nearly a hundred and fifty years ago. 

We're the only shipping company in the surrounding 11 counties and the only company to ship U-Needa Biscuits in the surrounding 17 counties. 

I'm not gonna have some whippersnapper come in here and tell me I gotta buy no new fangled motor car to stay in business.  We been delivering U-Needa biscuits by horse and wagon fer 150 years and we'll keep right on doing it that way fer another 150 years.  Now git, you varmint."

Enough said?  No.  Enough said!

Sincerest regards,


PS. I am not Paul Harvey.  Still, I am open to becoming a paid blogger, columnist, or commentator.

In the meantime, if anyone finds the monographs on my blog to be especially helpful, please do not hesitate to send me on of those tricked out laptops and few dollars tucked into the envelope with the thank you note.



Copyright (c) 2011 Slim Fairview

Pakistan: Friend or No?

I have two skills.  An analytical mind and the ability to speak in metaphors.


We have a round table and two chairs on the front porch.  In addition to Trygg, our cat, Trygg has about 8 to 10 free-range friends who show up regularly for breakfast and dinner.

Trygg likes to come and go through the window.  There is a latch.  I open the latch and push the window out.  Trygg jumps from the table to the chair and in through the window.  The other cats see this.  Only Buddy is influenced.

Buddy likes to stand up on the window sill, to try to push the window open.  He leaves paw prints on the outside of the window.  When I open the window for Trygg to come in, I leave fingerprints on the inside of the window.  The window gets dirty.

Now, the window needs to be washed.  If I wash the inside of the window first, Buddy looks like the culprit.  If I wash the outside of the window first, I look like the culprit.

My wife keeps tabs on what is going on.  Guess which side of the window I wash first?  However, as I said, my wife monitors the situation.  I am not going to fool my wife by washing the inside of the window first.

We are not going to make Pakistan look bad by washing our side of the window first.  We cannot claim we are washing our side of the window first, so we can better see where the outside needs to be cleaned.

Pakistan?  Friend or No?

I say,  friend.

Sincerest regards,


Copyright © 2011 Slim Fairview