Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Tropical Products: From Africa to the World.

In economic development, people focus on the Big Picture.  Unfortunately, this leaves out a crucial factor:

Local People

Just as House Speaker Tip O'Neill said, "All politics is local." so to "All Economics is Local."

With the internet, local means bringing people around the world together to do business.

In the course of writing about global political and economic events, I came across something interesting on a local level to write about.  

Someone restated a phrase I used in designing a portal website years ago.  "Local People Helping Local People."

The message conveyed is simple.

You send a message that the world must work together.

People helping people helps all people.  

Mr. Thomas AHOLOUHOUEDE introduces himself to the global community this way:

Hello to all,
We are a company in Africa,
We grow and sell tropical products:

Located in Cotonou, Benin, Thomas AHOLOUHOUEDE sells

Tropical products: 
Shelled and unshelled nuts
Cotton and cotton seeds
Shea butter seeds
100% pure African Benin.

We can deliver up to 5,000 tons.
We also represent companies that want to sell their products in Africa.

At this time Thomas AHOLOUHOUEDE is looking to expand to the global market.  He is seeking investors familiar with agriculture to expand into 

United States.

Thomas AHOLOUHOUEDE provides his contact information.


This is an opportunity to demonstrate the power of the global economic community operating on the internet.

Slim Fairview.